Просмотр полной версии : At me a delay of 9 days, the test positive. But in the mornings and in the evening inoshda zhi...

17.08.2004, 02:32
At me a delay of 9 days, the test positive. But in the mornings and in the evening inoshda the stomach or belly aches a bit quietly. Whether there can be it from nerves or from a full intestine? What to do or make. To me in general spoke, that the stomach or belly should not hurt or be ill;be sick. Besides at me adneksid. US in a week I shall go to do or make. At me in February already was zaderzhdka 10 days, then I am assiduous pokapala lomatoj a snow and have gone or send monthly but then the stomach or belly very strongly hurted or was ill;was sick me and raged. So it would be desirable the baby. What to do or make?
Abdominal pains small are normally? And in general a status such broken, somnolent...
Thanks for the answer, advice or council!
ONLY do not frighten of anything!
And that to me strashchno.....

18.08.2004, 09:26
Alisa, try to not worry. The stomach or belly too hurted or was ill;was sick me iz-for yellow bodies. Try to lay more, can no-shpu have a drink. And only about good think. Success to you with the kid.

19.08.2004, 21:45
Greetings, Alisa! I on the same term. At me posti right after conceptions have begun abdominal pains and a loin. It happens at early stages when the fetal egg tries to be attached to a uterus. But it happen and oslozhenija. I at once to the doctor have run, and she to me has appointed or nominated a heap vitaminok for maintenance of pregnancy. If interestingly I shall list: elevit (1 capsule h once a day), vitamin E (1 capsule h 3 raza/day), gluconat of a calcium (1 tab h 3 raza/day), MgB6 (112), and as Valeriana (1 tab h 3 raza/day). You can to have a drink also. From it or this no trouble to not happen. At me the second pregnancy, and first time I too then a saw these or it vitaminki. Simply now critical term, also it is necessary to be more cautious, it is more to have a rest and not peretruzhdatsja. Success!

21.08.2004, 20:26
Thanks huge for support!!!!
So it is pleasant!
I drink prenetal, I chew a lemon, fruit, vegetables.
And about others vitaminok I shall think.
Success all!
Give the God, all will be good!

21.08.2004, 23:51

22.08.2004, 12:22
Alisa, at me term 15, 5 weeks. The stomach or belly too ached a bit. To me have made US and have told or said, what is it a uterus in a small tonus. It is necessary to descend or go to the doctor and to tell about it. She for certain will register no-shpu and will forbid to be engaged in sex. Success.