Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor! I was tortured with a thrush. To me 30, for 12 years sexual zhi...

20.08.2004, 18:50
Hello the doctor!
I was tortured with a thrush. To me 30, for 12 years of a sexual life did not face such problem, and for the last half a year the third or fourth case. Handed over all possible or probable analyses, all is pure or clean. My gynecologist has appointed or nominated treatment on signs, but through a cycle all has repeated. I wish to notice, that a sexual life last four months I do not live. The question consists in the following, whether there is any agent which would relieve me of long course of treatment? Thanks.
Yours faithfully, Ekaterina.

Malanova T.B.
22.08.2004, 05:38
If in analyses simto why you think of a thrush? Treatment of the given process at retsidivirovanii does not pass or take place for 1 2 days.