Просмотр полной версии : Tell please as occurs or happens isskustvennoe a fertilization and what about...

20.08.2004, 12:48
Tell please as occurs or happens isskustvennoe a fertilization and how take an ootid.

Oshchepkova S.R.
21.08.2004, 11:33
The extracorporal fertilization consists from 3 the main stages: a fertilization of an ootid in vitro, kultivirovanie her and transplantation of an embryos in a uterus. Body height and development I watch or keep up by means of UZ the apparatus + spend additional stimulation and in naaibolee an opportunity spend a laparoscopy. Into a stomach or belly enter spets. Gas also aspirate I through specially entered needle. wash the impregnating or fertilizing medium (in advance cleared and prepared spermatozoons) twice and place in solution Tirode on 2 - 3 day.