Просмотр полной версии : Hello, to me of 18 years, at me such question: I accept Mersilon already in t...

20.08.2004, 04:51
Hello, to me of 18 years, at me such question: I accept Mersilon already in current of 2 years, whether it can as that to affect or influence me in the future, whether will arise problems with conception and vynashivaniem the child? Mersilon I transfer or carry well, any collateral efektov I do not observe, the only thing for these or it 2 years has typed or collected 3 kg. Thankful in advance.

Malanova T.B.
21.08.2004, 09:11
If you before reception OK did not have disturbances of a cycle theoretically, in the further problems with beremennostjami should not be. However, you have begun reception OK in 16 years, and it is prognostically not so good.