Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Help or assist me to understand please with the zdorovem-nezdo...

18.08.2004, 10:24
Hello. Help or assist me to understand please with the zdorovem-an illness. I plan to become pregnant before to be solved on this step, has gone to the gynecologist in regional konchultatsiju.
I complained on allocation, have made mazok-the doctor have told or said a thrush, have registered to me mikosist 1 and 7 day + suppositories makmiror 8 days + at the husband 1 tablet mikosist and a cream (I do not remember the name on "t").
The repeated smear has again shown a thrush then the doctor has directed me on analyses to the Center of microbiological correction Progress .

Here results.
Bacteriological research (from a vagina):
Clostridium it is not allocated (or it is not revealed),
Staphylococcus it is not allocated (or it is not revealed),
Streptococcus it is not allocated (or it is not revealed),
Enterococcus-faecelis (it seems so) - the moderate body height
Candida-It is not allocated (or it is not revealed)
Pseudomonas-It is not allocated (or it is not revealed)
Enterobacteriaceae-It is not allocated (or it is not revealed)

Result of research of a material With method PCR:
Chlamydia trachomatis-it is not revealed,
Mycpplasma hominis-it is not revealed,
Ureaplasma urealyticum PARVO - it is revealed,
HPV 16, 31, 33 it is revealed.

After that the doctor has registered treatment: Viferon suppositories 10-10 pereryv-10 days, Epigen a spray 2 vials or flasks daily 2 3 times (in a vagina), nyxes gentamycin 0, 82 7 + rumikoz or fljukostat 1 and 7 day on 150 + zirtekk 1 t in day vl time of injections.

Prompt please the diagnosis, t. To. At the doctor I have not absolutely understood and was frightened and about the written out medicines a little, whether treatment and what consequences and complications can be is correctly appointed or nominated.

Malanova T.B.
21.08.2004, 02:21
1. According to crop - the candidiasis is not present, the pathogenic flora is not present. 2. Revealed Ureaplasma urealyticum PARVO concerns to saprophytes and does not demand antibacterial therapy. 3. Revealed serotypes HPV 16, 31, 33 at absence of clinic (the pathology shejki, tservitsit, a condyloma) demands only observation. It is possible to leave suppositories Viferon. All rest is not shown to you.