Просмотр полной версии : We with the wife have lost (in the first, and I hope last time) the child for 5 ohm...

19.08.2004, 23:31
We with the wife have lost (in the first, and I hope last time) the child for 5 ohm month of pregnancy without any visible reasons. The doctor has told or said - retrogress. Inspection concrete has not found out anything. What to us to do or make? How to me to help or assist the wife to go through it and how itself messages in this situation? How to plan following pregnancy? To what sources of the information it is necessary to address? THANKS..

Malanova T.B.
20.08.2004, 17:02
At present she needs attention, leaving or care, a psychotherapy (even spent by you). If you live in Moscow address on consultation to Mark Evgenevichu Burno on faculty of psychotherapy TSIU (consultations and free-of-charge) on bodies 275 45 67 - Elizabeth Julevna will write down treatment on consultation (from Malanovoj T. - gynecology). From gynecology - to track or look after, that there were no complications in the form of an endometritis, inflammations of appendages. Now it is obligatory to be protected from pregnancy. When she can, inspection on nevynashivaniju in a cabinet or study nevynashivanija in female consultation is necessary for her. To leave on following pregnancy without inspection it is impossible. If I can to you than that to help or assist write on my electron taboma_dr@mailru/com address. All kind!