Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me 9 10 weeks. In five weeks have put in hospital with ugro...

14.08.2004, 11:43
Hello. At me 9 10 weeks. In five weeks have put in hospital with threat of an abortion (there were pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly and all). The smear has shown presence trihomoniaza. The doctor has appointed or nominated suppositories Geksikon 3 times a day in current of 10 days. In hospital there was a bad analysis wet (acetone), pricked a glucose intravenously. Have written out normally. Now in konsulatatsii again bad urine and fiber and erythrocytes. Whether will affect or influence trihomoniaz the child and why there can be a bad analysis wet? There Are small abdominal pains, it is normal? I very much want the child, the first pregnancy in 2000 was 7 8 weeks which have stood on term. Thanks for the answer.

17.08.2004, 01:26
Trihomoniaz nuzhno lechit, t. k. eto infektsiya, no bezopasnymi preparatami. Na plod infektsiya ne vlyaet, no pri rodah malysh mozhet zarazitsya. Nalichie belka govorit o povyshennom davlenii (mochu nado vsegda sdavat utrennuu, na toschak), a leikotsity o vospalenii ili infektsii mochevogo puzyrya (ochen chasto byvaet u beremnnyh) - lechitsya abtibiotikami. Vam neobhodimo obratistya k vrachu dlya konsultatsii.
Nebolshie boli v zhivote v pervom trimestre schitautsya normanym, esli ne soprovozhdautsya krovoticheniyami.
Zdoroviya vam i vashei malenkoi malyshke.

19.08.2004, 22:19
Svetlana, thanks. Bleedings any are not present. Trihomoniaz have told or said will treat constantly. Simply very much it would be desirable to save the kid therefore so strongly I experience. And pressure at me always was low. I shall be nadejatsja on the best.