Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte! I had an abortion for 6 weeks, cleaning was not done or made, inflammations n...

16.08.2004, 02:08
Zdrastvujte! I had an abortion for 6 weeks, cleaning was not done or made, inflammations were not, a floor of year we with the husband were protected by the interrupted sexual certificate or act how has advised the doctor, already 5 months we try to conceive again the baby, but without rezultatno, prompt pozhalujsto on what hormones to me it is necessary to hand over analyses, and it is necessary to hand over what else analyses? On ZPP have handed over, negative analyses. What vitamins are better for drinking before conception?
And more I heard, that is necessary 3 months prior to attempt to conceive to accept hormonal kontr. Type ZHANIN, it is the truth that the chance to conceive increases or is enlarged, it is not harmful?

19.08.2004, 10:11
Zdrastvujte! I had an abortion for 6 weeks, cleaning was not done or made, inflammations were not, a floor of year we with the husband were protected by the interrupted sexual certificate or act how has advised the doctor, already 5 months we try to conceive again the baby, but without rezultatno, prompt pozhalujsto on what hormones to me it is necessary to hand over analyses, and it is necessary to hand over what else analyses? On ZPP have handed over, negative analyses. What vitamins are better for drinking before conception? And more I heard, that is necessary 3 months prior to attempt to conceive to accept hormonal kontr. Type ZHANIN, it is the truth that the chance to conceive increases or is enlarged, it is not harmful?