Просмотр полной версии : At me a fixing or lingering thrush, about one year I can not already get rid... difljukan d...

13.08.2004, 11:04
At me a fixing or lingering thrush, about one year I can not already get rid... difljukan it is dear or expensive, and all rest gives only temporary effect. In November has done a week course neo-penotrana - the effect was about one month, before next monthly all has started over again. If I was though is assured, what is it really thrush, instead of something another - would be to spend stimulus for it agents which it is not too dense. This diagnosis is put simply on the basis of a smear in which were prizanki fungic or fungal flora (candida), but unless it is a guarantee, what the reason in it or this? Any other tests at all did not offer. Meanwhile the characteristic picture for a thrush in obshchem-that also is not present. Disturbs a constant itch and a burning sensation, but any " curdled vydeleny " is not present and was not. Twice (with an interval mestsev in 5) were "off-schedule" krovjanistye allocation (in a small amount), and recently there was almost nothing, but it is literally recently (day two) any dense translucent or semidiaphanous slime, as gel - with greater or big clots, with any albesent includings or incorporations began to be allocated. What would it mean? And whether it is similar to a thrush?

Malanova T.B.
16.08.2004, 01:06
100 % the diagnosis of a thrush are put only on the basis of the BANAL smear. That to you also it has been made. If you have found money on neo-penotran that you regret on difljukan, highly specific preparation. However before treatment it is necessary to hand over smears necessarily.

19.08.2004, 07:31
Well how to tell or say - has found. It is much less than on difljukan, and that has passed or has taken place about one month while it was possible to find. In fact besides there is still a child who should to something eat, and it is obligatory - he on an insulin. So if all of money will leave on my US, tablets, suppositories, etc., he risks not less, than I if all this will not be done or made. I know, it is possible to mind, that mum without problems with health is necessary to him. But in our situation and at our agents it is difficultly compatible, so it is necessary to choose the most "economical" variants or in general to do or make nothing. As to difljukana last expert to whom I consulted, has declared, that odnoj-business will not manage two tablets, it is necessary at least 5> 8 0 While also the price 2 h surpasses cost neopenotrana almost twice.