Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna! 20 days ago to me have stuck depot Zoladeksa (as...

11.08.2004, 08:51
Dear Tatyana Borisovna! 20 days ago to me have stuck depot Zoladeksa (as preoperative preparation at an intersticial or interstitial myoma of 9 sm in diameter, I already consulted to you), and three days ago have begun very plentiful monthly (for 20 day after the beginning previous, and usually cycle of 26 27 days). To the doctor I shall get only next week. Now at me strong delicacy, a giddiness, swings or pumps, it is difficult to breathe, that in a throat. I so suspect that from a hemorrhage though and earlier monthly were plentiful. But not such "prompt or impetuous". In a drugstore have advised Sorbifer or Fenjuls (but I drink complex vitamins and fenjuls likely already will be too) - that better and what it is possible to make right now that I did not shake or was not pumped on the move? Thanks

Malanova T.B.
13.08.2004, 20:30
If a bleeding so plentiful, it is necessary to be hospitalized urgently. Preparations of type fenjuls are not applied to a stopping of a bleeding.

16.08.2004, 22:36
To be hospitalized? About, My God... In general, at me in konsultatsuii such the doctor, that at it or her to learn or find out the information about medicines and the myoma it is absolutely impossible. As ticks or mites each word I pull out, as though it is any military secret, instead of the important information for me on my disease: ((That is monthly in fact should not be at Zoladekse in general, correctly?

Malanova T.B.
19.08.2004, 04:35
Menses should not be following if only you on 28 j would put sdenlali the second injection zoladeksa. But such bleeding be exact should not.