Просмотр полной версии : Dear d-r Malanova! To Me 28 years, but to mine oszheleniju, I can not find se...

17.08.2004, 10:42
Dear d-r Malanova! To Me 28 years, but to mine oszheleniju, I can not find to myself the partner. How it can be reflected in mine edorove? I began to worry, the matter is that and without sexual contacts at me already found chlamydias, a ureaplasma and VPCH. Then, naturally, a thrush. It was necessary to be treated. What?! But why so?

Malanova T.B.
18.08.2004, 08:27
Continence does not harm to physical health, if only you "do not wind" yourselves. And " presence at you infections " speaks most likely about hyperdiagnostics, instead of about disease. The thrush can be at hormonal disturbances, after reception of antibiotics, at a dysbacteriosis.

19.08.2004, 01:20
Thanks you for the answer, but what you mean hyperdiagnostics? The matter is that infections at me really were, I some years climbed on a wall from pains at monthly within 12 hours, to me almost did not help or assist any anesthetizing, and the clamidiosis as has told or said to me the doctor, has been very started, t. To. At me swelled veki, there were joint pains, the general or common delicacy. It was about 6 years ago, after treatment all!!! Has passed or has taken place, certainly I have some with nerves not by way of. Now I began to be very cautious, it seems to me, it is clear.