Просмотр полной версии : Dear Tatyana Borisovna, hello! I Wish to consult with you...

16.08.2004, 16:56
Dear Tatyana Borisovna, hello! I Wish to consult with you. After a currettage of a polyp and for treatment of an endometriosis, me course of treatment has been appointed or nominated: promoljut-holes (I accept norkoljut) + antibiotics. The first cycle has passed or has taken place normally: a saw norkoljut about 5 25 day, day through two have begun monthly. In the second cycle there was something strange: gde-that for 18 day have begun not so plentiful allocation and it last week. Time I accepted all this norkoljut (up to 25 days) and antibiotics did not drink. After reception norkoljuta, naturally, any monthly has not begun and there are no they till now (today 32 days, and a cycle at me 25 26 days, and I consider or count already from these or it vydeleny about 18 days). It normally or it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor? Scheduled visiting genekologa at me in the extremity or end of May. This situation can suffer? Thanks.

Malanova T.B.
18.08.2004, 21:35
Such regimen of reception of Norcolutum also should end with such result. Go on reception now, it is not necessary to wait for 3 more weeks as can be and a bleeding.