Просмотр полной версии : Dear Alla Mihajlovna, tell, please, about milajf. Where to buy or purchase?...

15.08.2004, 19:20
Dear Alla Mihajlovna, tell, please, about milajf. Where to buy or purchase? D-z a myoma, 1, 5 * 1, 8. Still heard about sokolechenie. If you recommend, it is necessary to try or taste?

Pasenjuk A.M.
17.08.2004, 04:07
I deny one sensible way of treatment. You can apply sokoterapiju because it stimulates immunity, promotes retrogress of a myoma.
Milajf it is a preparation created on vegetative raw material, improves immunity. Metabolic processes, are experience of treatment of myomas by it or him. Where will buy or purchase - only from direct dealers of firm " ". Try to call to my colleague Kim to Aurora 3787372

18.08.2004, 18:26
Thanks big for the answer! All blessings to you!