Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, (analyses, medicines, prophylaxis) it is possible to accept what measures at...

16.08.2004, 15:12
Prompt, (analyses, medicines, prophylaxis) it is possible to accept what measures at constantly coming back thrush? The last pol-year signs arise almost each two weeks. Sometimes lungs and an itch passes or takes place itself, sometimes I fly or treat. Has replaced 3 doctors, but everything, that they can appoint or nominate it various variants difljukana and suppositories. So I can treat even!

Soboleva L.I.
16.08.2004, 19:28
Dear Dasha! I enough often repeat: a relapsing thrush - an attribute of the lowered immunity. Therefore before purpose or appointment of antimicotic preparations it is necessary to do or make the analysis of a blood on Saccharum, an immunogram. Originally it is necessary to treat disturbances of the immune status, and already in the second turn - a fungic or fungal infection. For the second stage difljukan and antimicotic suppositories really are effective.

17.08.2004, 17:16
Thanks for the answer.