Просмотр полной версии : How to treat a flu of the pregnant woman? Explain please how to distinguish a flu and about...

15.08.2004, 14:35
How to treat a flu of the pregnant woman? Explain please how to distinguish a flu and usual ORZ up to a campaign to the doctor? Whether it is possible to inoculate during pregnancy against a flu? Thanks!

16.08.2004, 13:48
1) I Quote references at cold: "... Pasenjuk And. M. on September, 20th 2000 09 : 09 : 56
It is a lot of to drink liquids, to accept Ascorutinum if it is very bad - Paracetamolum, at an abdominal pain - noshpu, inhalations, in a nose pinosol or 19. It is impossible Aspirinum, a bath, antibioti-ki, antibechic or antitussic preparations... "
2) to distinguish illnesses or diseases there are doctors (they on it studied), and to you it practically without a difference. Though a flu, though cold though ORVI - - most likely will treat equally because now the choice of medicines is strongly limited
3) the Inoculation to do or make it is impossible

Pasenjuk A.M.
17.08.2004, 07:44
For the beginning to visit or attend the doctor, what to be defined or determined that with you - a flu or cold (though n e it is easier than one another). To drink it is a lot of liquid, askorbinka or Ascorutinum, in a nose - pinosol, an interferon or 19, immunal in a usual regimen or aflubin, at a sick throat - Sebidinum, gargles, ioks, Inhalyptum. The inoculation from a flu is not shown. Only at very high risk to be ill.