Просмотр полной версии : What consequences if in the analysis such phrase " the Epithelium with dystrophic and...

The anonym
16.08.2004, 03:59
What consequences if in the analysis such phrase " the Epithelium with dystrophic changes in a cytoplasma " If during monthly go not simply allocation and dark clots, almost "rubber" or as though it was a wet dough. In due time after vykideshej was such, but already year stir or prevent. My doctor does not pay attention to it.

16.08.2004, 18:10
It is useful to result or bring the full and literal conclusion, instead of a fragment, except for that it is necessary to specify that what kind of research histological or the cytologic. The phrase resulted or brought by you speaks also dystrophic changes in a cytoplasma which is shown certain morfologichesoj by a picture. ti changes are not specific for what or diseases. And the last: and what in general was exposed to research? A skin, mucous a stomach? Kidneys? A mammary gland?