Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The doctor, tell or say please as it is soon possible zaberemennet with...

14.08.2004, 07:28
Hello! The doctor, tell or say please how it is soon possible zaberemennet after abortion (has passed or has taken place already almost 1, 5 months, and the menses is not present)?

Malanova T.B.
15.08.2004, 09:53
Descend or Go on US. But YOU do or make yourselves the invalid. How it is possible to not be protected after abortion?

16.08.2004, 17:54
The doctor, after abortion were protected by a condom but in what there can be a reason of absence of a menses? Before I accepted Logest, whether tell or say, please, it is possible to continue its or his reception at a cholecystitis?