Просмотр полной версии : Zdrastvujte, the doctor. Prompt how to be in such situation: on 8 put a cycle...

15.08.2004, 05:49
Zdrastvujte, the doctor. Prompt how to be in such situation: for 8 day of a cycle there was not protected sexual certificate or act (the condom has torn), has accepted tablet postinora in 1.5 2 hours after that, and then one more tablet in 14 hours after the first reception. A usual cycle of 26 31 days. Whether it is possible to learn or find out so to say result prior to the beginning of next monthly? And what probability in such situation zaberemenit? Respond, please, udu very much to look forward to hearing, thanks.

16.08.2004, 15:02
In that case postinor it is effective and hardly you should experience on a cart of not planned pregnancy.