Просмотр полной версии : Hello!!! Did or made US in the summer: a uterus in norm or rate, and on the right ovary obna...

12.08.2004, 02:18
Hello!!! Did or made US in the summer: a uterus in norm or rate, and on the right ovary have found out a cyst. I have followed a policy of a stylostixis, after a while have once again passed or have once again taken place stimulation (on sudzhoku). On survey on December, 3rd - have found two sites of a myoma, and the cyst was in the same place, have directed on onkomarkery REA 1, 0, SA 125 90, 3!!!??? WHAT IS IT??? And 19-9 - 12, 0,
To me 31 year and more there was no pregnancy, I very much wish to become pregnant, but it was impossible, needles received, have been assured, that they will help or assist me!? A dangerous situation at me and parameter 125 high and what is it???? Help or assist, please, respond me to a question. Many thanks.

13.08.2004, 13:34
How you see needles and su dzhok a poppycock full, with what purpose to you have appointed or nominated research onkomarkerov? All objasenija demand from authors of researches.

14.08.2004, 07:51
On onkomarkery have directed, t. To. The cyst has not liked, have told or said, that in the further either a hormonetherapy or a laparoscopy! But why high SA 125 90 units???

15.08.2004, 08:06
On onkomarkery have directed, t. To. The cyst has not liked, have told or said, that in the further either a hormonetherapy or a laparoscopy! But why high SA 125 90 units???

16.08.2004, 04:14
zdrastvujte! Tell or say please, whether can, under influence of any preparations, resolve a cystoma