Просмотр полной версии : Thanks for the answer Svetlana Rostislavovna. If I never earlier this prepara...

14.08.2004, 20:20
Thanks for the answer Svetlana Rostislavovna. Whether If I never earlier (gonadotropil) accepted I this preparation can fearlessly accept it or him or is better it or him replace with other preparation. If not difficultly explain please that such hyperstimulation of ovaries and how she is shown? Whether this preparation in case of offensive or approach beremenosti is harmful, can on a background of reception gonadotropila it is necessary accept still something? Thanks.

Oshchepkova S.R.
15.08.2004, 10:43
Hyperstimulation of ovaries is when after reception of the preparations stimulating an ovulation there is a simultaneous maturing several follicles, sharp augmentation of ovaries in sizes, break is possible or probable and the bleeding, can be a thromboembolism of the main vessels, multifetal pregnancy. Olga, a such preparation is always appointed or nominated under the CONTROL of the doctor and over a complex with other preparations. There are different schemes or plans of treatment and I do not know, what recommended you and I can not correct or adjust it or her, t. To. You never saw and not knowing your problems. Wide experience in treatment is and the Center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatologii.