Просмотр полной версии : Hello, Tatyana Borisovna. I hope, my question will not surprise you as...

13.08.2004, 22:31
Hello, Tatyana Borisovna. I hope, my question will not surprise you as has surprised the worker opteki. I read in magazine about agents for a delay of a menses for 1 2 weeks. Whether exist such actually, whether there are they on sale. Can be eat any safe national agents for this purpose. It is very important, as "holidays" at me coincide with necessity to go on wedding in a white fitting dress. In advance thanks.

Pasenjuk A.M.
15.08.2004, 09:09
I not., and zvinite))))) and tablets takei exist are Progestinums novgo generations - orgametril, probelief and tp, often to apply it is impossible, in ekstrennnom a case (the regimen vsezhe is better for discussing with the doctor real) are accepted about 14 days and further until then yet will not pass or not take place " it is necessary critical term " - after otm eny there comes a menses. Easier from to lay down a menses if you accept contraceptives - to pass or miss simply a break in one cycle