Просмотр полной версии : Hello, why the test shows absence of pregnancy, and the gynecologist...

02.08.2004, 01:50
Hello, why the test shows absence of pregnancy, and the gynecologist, speaks that at me 2 weeks?

04.08.2004, 02:16
Hello, Lena. The test bad can, try to make other stamp if it is interesting. So happens, that the test starts to show not in the first day of a delay, and in some days of a delay. Whether so the test is important if the gynecologist confirms pregnancy? The doctor has drawn a conclusion under the analysis of a blood? Manual survey can still or even nothing show

07.08.2004, 18:36
And the delay that in general is?

11.08.2004, 09:09
Yes, and the doctor bases or founds;establishes the conclusions on what analysis? To my mum in a youth, at it or her still muzhchin-that was not, the doctor the same has told or said, that she is pregnant. And, when mum began to insist, what is it is not possible or probable, the doctor has sent it or her in a toilet. And with an empty bladder any more has not found signs of pregnancy known only to her.

15.08.2004, 05:14
You know ine 3 tests in different time intervals showed negative result. Only after I had a delay week, I have made again the test and he has shown a positive take. The same case can at you?