Просмотр полной версии : In me have found out a ureaplasmosis and a thrush. From a thrush I already during...

12.08.2004, 03:51
In me have found out a ureaplasmosis and a thrush. I during many years cannot already get rid of a thrush in any way. Have appointed or nominated treatment. After treatment has handed over analyses. The ureaplasmosis, thanks God, is cured. And here about a thrush - it has turned out, as well as spoke the doctor. She has told or said, that after treatment by antibiotics there will be " a certain trace of a thrush " which should be modified. As a result as "correction" she has written out to me or terzhinan (10 candles) or difljukan (3 tablets on 150 mg). A question: 1) Why there was a thrush? (I used suppositories " Makmiror a complex ") 2) Why for "correction" it is necessary to drink so much many tablets difljukana? - in fact even in summaries to this medicine it is written, what it is necessary to drink only one tablet?... In advance thanks for the answer.

Malanova T.B.
14.08.2004, 21:04
And why a question to me? Makmirror the complex is not specific to treatment of a candidiasis. And difljukan so now it is possible to appoint or nominate.