Просмотр полной версии : The girl, greetings to all! Prompt please. Whether I can make the test on bere...

04.08.2004, 08:07
The girl, greetings to all! Prompt please. Whether I can make the test for pregnancy some days prior to monthly or it or him is obligatory to do or make even after one day of a delay? We with the husband very much want the child, sexual certificates or acts were about 12 17 days of a cycle (at a cycle of 28 30 days). Very much it would be desirable to know result up to prospective monthly. And how much or as far as he will be correct? Thanks all big.

04.08.2004, 11:12
At all - to a miscellaneous. Now the test can show, that pregnancy is not present. As a rule, check in the first day of a delay, and that can not show, all is shorter individually. If at you a cycle stable these days are just favorable for conception, with 11 for 14 day for conception of the girl, with 15 on 18 - the boy. Success! If there is a desire necessarily it will turn out!!!

06.08.2004, 00:54
Mne test pokazival uje za 10 8 dney do mesachnih. Tolko poloska ochen blednaya.

08.08.2004, 04:43
Thanks big, now it is necessary to wait only. The third day I shall measure regtalnuju temperature, 36, 6; 36, 6; 37, 0. What temperature should be, if pregnancy has come or stepped (7 10 days). Thanks.

09.08.2004, 17:49
Usually with offensive or approach of pregnancy rectal t-ra keeps at a level above 37 degrees.

10.08.2004, 04:32
Girls, and as on the bill of basal temperature. On early term she should be and what??? Thanks big for a fast reply.

11.08.2004, 13:07
Rectal t-ra, she - basal (it is measured in a rectum). What you still mean under the term basal??? If mean t-ru bodies - she can be as normal (up to 37), and hardly raised or increased.

14.08.2004, 20:22
The girl, thanks all big.