Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or say please the doctor, at mine nachalnitse the daughter kr was ill...

08.08.2004, 23:58
Hello! Tell or say please the doctor, at mine nachalnitse the daughter was ill with a rubella, and I am pregnant / 11 nedel/can to infect its or her daughter through mum me with a rubella?????

10.08.2004, 20:20
And you a rubella hurted or were ill;were sick in the childhood?

11.08.2004, 08:08
No, I did not have a rubella, but at nachalnitse was, she can bring it or her in office and infect me?

11.08.2004, 17:26
I would limit contact with nachalnitsej, whether it is not enough. Till 12 weeks at least you in no event cannot be ill with a rubella. If during later period is not so terribly. Consult with the doctor. Or can ask still a question in section Infektsionsit, can will respond in more detail..

14.08.2004, 16:43
Kagda us have started to be ill or sick with a rubella, my doctor has sent me on hospital and has forbidden to communicate with strangers. And more at opastnosti to catch a virus infection it is necessary toloch garlic, to do or make a through aeration and daily wet cleaning, it is desirable to add in water of a few or a little;little bit bleaching powder. ch., talk to the vrachem, probably too it is desirable for you to not sit at home.