Просмотр полной версии : Dear Lyudmila Igorevna! Help or Assist, please, with my doubts. posledn...

13.08.2004, 12:05
Dear Lyudmila Igorevna! Help or Assist, please, with my doubts. Last 5 years saw Tri-Regol, but here in last cycle there was a failure. The doctor has recommended to me to pass to less dosed out and monophasic preparation - Regulon, explaining it is that my organism has got used to Tri-Regolu, and at my age (me 37 years) are better for drinking monophasic OK. And I here all doubt: in fact if the organism has got used to srednedozirovanomu Tri-Regolu nizkodozirovannyj Regulon can not protect at all from conception? Or I am not right? And more, how it is better to make transition? To start to accept Regulon after 7 day time breaks or for 5 day from the beginning of a bleeding? Thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
14.08.2004, 01:50
Dear Olga! Three-phase contraceptives more often monophasic break a menstrual cycle. Therefore in my opinion it is better to you to pass on monophasic nizkodozirovannye preparations. In the first month of reception of a new preparation it is required additional preohranenie, and then all should be by way of. To begin follows in 7 days after the termination or ending of packing Tri-regola.