Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Casually today has read through the answer to a question, that a roentgen (flju...

Hope, 20 years
11.08.2004, 20:54
Hello! Casually today has read through the answer to a question, that a roentgen (fljurografija) at pregnancy it is categorically counter-indicative. So happens, that not knowing that I am pregnant on term less than 1 week, to me have made scheduled fljurografiju. Now at me 8 months, pregnancy proceeds normally. All analyses in norm or rate. US of a fetus it was done or made in 7, 13 and 22 weeks - all in norm or rate. Group of a blood at me I (+). Whether it is necessary to do or make kardiotokografiju? But most of all excites a question: how can fljurografija affect or have an effect a fetation? What complications or consequences can be and how much or as far as they are probable? Something can in addition will advise? In advance many thanks!

Malanova T.B.
13.08.2004, 02:10
At you - has not affected or has not had an effect in any way. Calm down. Kardiotokografiju (monitor) should be made.

13.08.2004, 22:14
Huge to you thanks for the answer!