Просмотр полной версии : Girls please help or assist advice or council! I on 6 week of pregnancy also have begun t...

11.08.2004, 08:57
Girls please help or assist advice or council! I on 6 week of pregnancy also have begun a toxicosis. Me toshnit all day and night, I can not work. Wished to take the sick-list, but mum speaks, that gynecologists of sick-lists do not give, and put in hospital on conservation. I very much there do not want. Share as you it was possible to transfer or carry a toxicosis, houses or in hospital.

12.08.2004, 09:41
You toshnit or tears? If it is simple toshnit anybody with it or this in hospital does not put. I can sympathize only - itself through it has passed or has taken place and to encourage you that soon it should pass or take place, on 10 12 week usually it passes or takes place. At me has passed or has taken place on 10. And I can advise only one - to be on air more. I even when at job was, left and walked minutes 15 on territory when it was absolutely bad, or simply stood on a porch. It is More to me helped or assisted than nothing. Do not worry, it will pass or take place.

13.08.2004, 13:08
Accept Cerucalum from a nausea, on itself it is written, at pregnancy nelshchzja, but to me the doctor it or him has advised, and not only I drank, my friends too, at all have it's OK terminated, NECESSARILY accept Polyvitaminums for pregnant women, the toxicosis will be easier, do not make sharp movements, be as a boa are quiet, pass to a fractional delivery, basically vegetables, rescue or save;salvage also rye suhariki with tomato juice. Be not ill or sick, all will soon terminate!