Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me of 27 years. At visiting genekologa (in 2002) has found out...

13.08.2004, 06:39
The dear doctor! To me of 27 years. At visiting genekologa (in 2002) erosion shejki uteruses, small 10 mm was found out. Repeated inspection has shown, that erosion has not passed or has not taken place. The doctor has advised prizhech the laser. I yet did not give birth or travail. Heard, that to do or make by nothing not given birth or not travailled better with erosion. Advise how to be. What agent on treatment of erosion for today is more effective? And more, after treatment of erosion, whether I can already become pregnant in it or this to year? In advance thanks!

Malanova T.B.
13.08.2004, 10:53
"Approximately" it is impossible to define or determine, whether it is necessary to cauterize shejku uteruses. But if there are objective indications - according to a colposcopy, onkotsitologii to treat it or her it is necessary. On the further pregnancy, even in it or this to year manipulation will not affect or not have an effect in any way. It is better to do or make lazerokoaguljatsiju.