Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, At me to you a following question: my nephew (2 years)...

08.08.2004, 13:03
The dear doctor,

At me to you a following question: my nephew (2 years) was ill with a chicken pox. I am with it or him in contact. At me 14 weeks of pregnancy. In the childhood I be ill or sick with a chicken pox. Whether there is a danger to my future child and all pregnancy as a whole if I suddenly shall be ill with a chicken pox.
In advance thanks
Yours faithfully,


10.08.2004, 12:23
It is necessary to interrupt urgently contact and to address in 2 weeks to the doctor for delivery povtoryh analyses on a rubella!!! Otherwise risk to catch, that conducts to fetal teratisms and an abortion!

10.08.2004, 14:43
If you contacted to it or him, verrojatnee all have already caught. (if did not hurt or be ill;be sick, certainly). But it not the RUBELLA - it is not necessary so to be nervous, most likely it any more does not threaten you anything - 14 weeks, the bookmark of organs has already occured or happened.

13.08.2004, 07:43
To tell the truth, I do not understand calmness Creambird. And than it is a chicken pox can be better than a rubella??? Yes certainly it is very dangerous and to your state of health, and for a fetus! Any contacts to small children should be stopped for the period of pregnancy! And immediately consult with the attending physician! What does it mean, " you voobshche-that already could catch, but neither to you, nor nothing threatens the child " - under the previous comment??!? As to have been ill with a chicken pox in the childhood - fie, and in an adult status it is much more complex or difficult.