Просмотр полной версии : Term of 22 weeks, seems to me, that I drink (nearby 2 - 2, 5 litres much. Edemas...

09.08.2004, 23:40
Term of 22 weeks, seems to me, that I drink (nearby 2 - 2, 5 litres much. Edemas are not present (at least visible)), in a toilet to run already zamuchalas, but it would be desirable to drink very much. Tell or say, it is not harmful?

11.08.2004, 05:55
My doctor speaks, that for us norm or rate 4 glasses of a liquid in day: (But I drink how much it would be desirable and similarly each half an hour I run in a toilet... I think, that if kidneys consult to worry it is not necessary.

11.08.2004, 21:08
I am afraid, that all ahead... At me 34 weeks, and edemas last time very much even prevent to live, though before a kidney consulted superb. Now to limit itself in a liquid it is necessary, but it is very complex or difficult. Would gradually be disaccustomed to drink so much better.

12.08.2004, 19:50
At me too now 34 weeks. It still depends on, whether there is a predilection to edemas. And the therapist can respond to this question. I do not think, that 2 2, 5 litres are much.