Просмотр полной версии : Vaginitis

11.08.2004, 18:30
Good afternoon! At me already second time a vaginitis, analyses on various infections negative. First time appointed or nominated a course of antibiotics + local lechenie-leucocytes have come to norm or rate, and it was subjective like it's OK. After that in half a year all has repeated, morbidity on an input or entrance in a vagina, leucocytes high. Analyses again have shown nothing. Nevertheless the gynecologist to me has appointed or nominated again very strong course of antibiotics + suppositories. After that practically nothing has changed, morbidity has remained, lejkotsity-30 40. The doctor has offered already simply posprintsevatsja potassium permanganate and suppositories ginezol-from a thrush though it or her have not found out too. Can be to me simply there is a sense to pass or take place any local lechenie-antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory, instead of antimicrobic? (anyway in the instruction to ginezolu nothing is told or said about antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory action). Actually, after its or his application too nothing has changed. What could you advise me? And from what there can be an inflammation if sexual ways of infection are excluded by something? Thanks in advance for the answer.

12.08.2004, 16:42
Dear Julia! I recommend you to pass or take place inspection on a virus infection since viruses reduce local immunity, that leads to connection of a secondary infection (fungic or fungal, bacteriemic or bacterial) .vrach to the maximum or supreme category the -gynecologist- the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.