Просмотр полной версии : Be well, 2 years ago there was an abortion, already 1, 5 years cannot become pregnant, in...

09.08.2004, 14:58
Be well, 2 years ago there was an abortion, already 1, 5 years cannot become pregnant, as a result of inspection, was found out - the cervical channel is damaged or injured (is deformed) probably after abortion what to do or make??? For earlier it is grateful.

Kamenetskij B.A.
12.08.2004, 08:28
I do not think, what is it is the reason of sterility or barrenness. It is necessary for you to spend special inspection. Within the limits of this forum questions concerning inspection are very often asked at sterility or barrenness. Below I would like to result or bring the list of the inspection, allowing to establish or install the reason of sterility or barrenness and to spend adequate treatment. Naturally, at revealing any pathology both from the husband, and from the wife, this list can be changed:

Inspection of the husband:
1. spermogramma + MAR-the test in view of 3 5 days of continence
2. Morphological research of spermatozoons on Kruger
3. Bacteriological research of an ejaculate (under indications)

Inspection of the wife:
1. Research of a status of a uterus and permeability of uterine pipes (a hysterography or a hysteroscopy and a laparoscopy)
2. Analyses of a blood on FSG, LG, 2 (Oestradiolum), Prolactinum, Testosteron-Depotum, Progesteronum, 3, 4, TTG (under indications)
3. Inspection of a blood on presence antispermalnyh and antifosfolipidnyh antibodies
4. The conclusions of narrow experts (under indications)
5. Bacteriological research of a material from a urethra and the cervical channel on chlamydias, a mycoplasma and a ureaplasma

Except for the aforesaid before carrying out of procedure EKO (if this procedure is planned), (group of a blood and rezus-the factor, analyses of a blood on RW, AIDS and the Australian antigen, the analysis of a blood on a/t to a virus of a hepatitis With, the clinical analysis of a blood + coagulability, smears series of the researches necessary for carrying out of an operative measure are appointed or nominated to flora and a degree of cleanliness, documents on the inspection spent earlier and treatment)

Yours faithfully,
To. M. n. B.Kamenetsky
For consultation i/or carrying out of procedure EKO/IKSI you can
Preliminary to enter the name to me on reception on bodies: (812 325 92 72; 312 30 65
/ Rossijsko-the Finnish Center AVA-PETER Sankt-Petersburg./

12.08.2004, 12:11
Thanks for the answer, is a lot of analyses from listed by you I already handed over, it and spermogramma the husband, GSG, analyses of a blood, smears on flora on a degree of cleanliness, whether necessarily it is necessary to do or make EKO???