Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Since January 2004 till May saw Logest. In the extremity or end of the fifth pack has gone sb...

09.08.2004, 20:08
Good afternoon! Since January 2004 till May saw Logest. In the extremity or end of the fifth pack failure (botched work for a week before term when tablets in a pack still were has begun, there were pains in right hypochondrium) has gone. The doctor has recommended to make a monthly break, to survey a liver and to pass on ZHanin. On June, 19th have begun "" monthly, began to accept ZHanin. On June, 28th there was a first not protected certificate or act. Not clear nausea on an equal place is Literally next day, and pobochki from ZHazhina before was not. All the next days periodically toshnit (more often on a hungry stomach), attacks of a giddiness, delicacy, time hardly in a syncope has not fallen. On July, 9th there was a day of reception of last tablet from packing. Today on July, 19th, monthly till now is not present. Tests negative. Last time dummies or papillas are very morbid, couple of days pulls and bakes a bottom of a stomach or belly and the ovary as aches a bit at an ovulation, but nothing begins. The doctor has told or said to wait and do or make tests. What probability of pregnancy? On what term it is possible to do or make US? Whether tests are mistaken?

12.08.2004, 08:04
It is necessary to make urgently US for exception ber-ti, inflammatory process, and also possible or probable hormonal disturbances. It is desirable, also inspection of a liver consultation of the gastroenterologist and biohim. an. Bloods.

The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-the endocrinologist the expert on sterility or barrenness and conducting patients and pregnant women with high risk Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

Ph. 101 45 00. Street Don, d. 28 (m. SHabolovskaja).