Просмотр полной версии : Zdravstvujet, the doctor. Recently was at the doctor. After to me have made US...

10.08.2004, 19:33
Zdravstvujet, the doctor. Recently was at the doctor. After to me have made US, the doctor has told or said, that ovaries badly work for me " a children's uterus " and that. Also that in this connection I cannot become pregnant. To me 23 years, were one abortion. Children we with the husband, the truth, yet do not plan, but this "news" has upset me. She (doctor) has recommended to me quantum therapy of 10 sessions. You could not express the opinion on this quantum therapy and explain, what to do or make to do or make with this "children's" uterus.. Thanks!

Malanova T.B.
12.08.2004, 07:35
- To an occasion of " Quantum therapy " at me very certain opinion - useless pastime. If you became pregnant, and further can become pregnant. The another matter, that after iskustvennogo abortion is necessary provedelenie regenerative treatment. Variants fiziolechenija much. Can address and in our unit of regenerative treatment - 438 23 44 Malanova Tatyana Borisovna, treatment probably to spend and on a residence.