Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! I had an abortion. On July, 27th 2004. Have made vyskabliv...

12.08.2004, 04:18
Hello, the doctor!
I had an abortion. On July, 27th 2004. Have made a currettage. After that I have passed or have taken place a course of rehabilitational therapy. My gynecologist has told or said, that it is necessary to learn or find out the reason of an abortion and has appointed or nominated analyses to hormones in I and II phases of a menstrual cycle. (the cycle at me to last 32 days, a menses 3 4 days). In the first phase I have handed over analyses on hormones I of a phase on August, 3rd. In the second phase should hand over on 3 y put m. ts., but monthly do not send or have come during. Now a delay of 7 days. My gynecologist in holiday and I neznaju how to be. When to hand over analyses of II phase? Whether To wait offensives or approaches of a menses? Prompt as me to enter such situation. Pregnancy is excluded.
And more there and then one question. The gynecologist speaks, that at me erosion shejki uteruses and need to be treated, and I read that at its or her not given birth or not travailled women do not treat. What your opinion?

12.08.2004, 06:15
Wait a menses, in 2 phase hormones surrender for 20 22 day of a cycle. For the decision of a question on treatment of erosion it is necessary to make a biopsy shejki uteruses with gitologicheskim research - to learn or find out, what is this erosion. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.