Просмотр полной версии : Hello. To me it has been made by US on 8 oh day from the beginning of a cycle / transvag...

10.08.2004, 18:05
Hello. To me it has been made by US on 8 oh day from the beginning of a cycle / transvaginalno/. In itself following data:
Uterus: it is rejected to peredi. Contours: precise, equal. The sizes: length - 58 mm, peredne-back - 43 mm, width of 55 mm. Structure or frame of a uterus: homogeneous.
The cavity is not deformed.
M-an echo 7, 5 mm. Structure or frame M-an echo: homogeneous.
Reflection from endometrija: an average.
The sizes sh/uteruses: length - 30 mm, peredne-back - 28 mm, width of 31 mm. The structure or frame is not changed. TSerkvikalnyj the channel is not expanded.
The right ovary: it is located on a rib of a uterus in solderings of 4 9 mm the general or common kol.-in>> 11, the sizes 38 27 29, structure or frame homogeneous.
The left ovary: it is located on a rib of a uterus, the sizes 29 23 25, structure or frame homogeneous.
The conclusion: multifollicular ovaries, solderings in a small basin.
Tatyana Borisovna, prompt please, what deviations or rejections are in results of US? Whether pregnancy with such conclusion is possible or probable? Also what it means? Whether it is necessary for something to do or make with solderings?
In advance I thank for the answer.

Malanova T.B.
12.08.2004, 03:26
1. Pregnancy is possible or probable. 2. If there are complaints. Solderings are defined or determined at survey on an armchair, it is better to pass or take place a course fiziolechenija. 3. It is necessary to observe structure or frame of ovaries.