Просмотр полной версии : To me 42 years. From January, 10 till January, 19th there was a plentiful menses. Have made hloristy...

10.08.2004, 13:02
To me 42 years. From January, 10 till January, 19th there was a plentiful menses. Have made chloride intravenously. In three day have begun krovjanistye allocation. On February, 4th with a bleeding has got in hospital, have made a currettage. By results of have diagnosed zhelezistokistoznaja a hyperplasia endometrija (I not the physician, I can be mistaken in the read through diagnosis) ____ as menometro.... It (is not clearly written), a cavity of the uterus nedeformirovana, before a currettage of US - t/l 62* 42* 59, contours equal, a surface rough, ods. str M-6, homogeneously, exactly OD-41* 29* 36 with zhidk. v/m 28, OS-32* 18* 19 norm or rate. It is recommended nyxes Progesteronum 2, 5 %-1, 18, 20, 22, 24, on February, 26th. From a following cycle regevidon-6 months. US in three months. With 16 have begun krovjanistye changeable allocation, nojushchaja a back pain.
Help or Assist to understand, that this diagnosis means, whether repetition of cleaning is obligatory, whether the treatment, what consequences for reception of these hormones is correctly appointed or nominated. Whether there are other methods of treatment? Whether it is necessary to delete a uterus? That could serve as the reason of bleedings (failure) if before a menses were regular.

Malanova T.B.
11.08.2004, 23:00
By results of a histology at you zhelezisto-a cystic hyperplasia endometrija genesial age. It is result both inflammatory process, and hormonal disturbances. Hormonal therapy is necessary to you, in detail to you the endocrinologist should paint it or her ginekolog-. It is in addition necessary protivospalitelnoe treatment.