Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor. I ask in third time!!! 30 years ago I treated trihomoniaz...

11.08.2004, 07:34
The dear doctor. I ask in third time!!!
30 years ago I treated trihomoniaz. After treatment signs of this disease all time were, but the smear showed nothing. Recently method PTSR
At last have found out trihomoniaz. The venereologist has offered long treatment: metronizadol, Nistatinum, syringing by Dimexidum and soda, suppositories betadin. And genikolog has offered only single reception seknidazola. At me doubt: as it is possible
Single reception of a medicine will cure such serious passed in chronic disease. I ask advice or council.

Malanova T.B.
11.08.2004, 20:17
To you the venereologist has painted correct treatment, it is not necessary metatsja.