Просмотр полной версии : Dear Boris Aleksandrovich! At us such situation. The first child rodils...

11.08.2004, 15:17
Dear Boris Aleksandrovich!
At us such situation. The first child was born nine years ago (to become pregnant it has turned out in the first month). By the present or true moment about 7 years we are not protected (before protected by condoms). Have handed over analyses and the doctor speaks, that all analyses (a semen, a blood, hormones, salpinogramma pipes) within the limits of norm or rate. Offers on a choice or a laparoscopy or an endometrial insemination or EKO. What will you advise in this case and how these methods are interconnected what it is more preferable?
Yours faithfully, Svetlana.

Kamenetskij B.A.
11.08.2004, 18:18
The variants listed by you are not peresnem alternatives, t. To. A part from them are diagnostic, and a part medical. For each of methods exist certain popazanija and contraindications. Probably preferable variant bude carrying out of a diagnostic laparoscopy, t. To. This diagnostic research will allow to put more exact diagnosis so also treatment will be adequately spent.