Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Term of 19 weeks, have found a ureaplasma. The doctor has written out macrofoams 3 tab...

08.08.2004, 21:01
Hello! Term of 19 weeks, have found a ureaplasma. The doctor has written out macrofoams of 3 tablets in day. But to instructions it is written, that he is not recommended to pregnant women. What to do or make? Can, it is possible without antibiotics? Thanks.

09.08.2004, 13:42
At me 22 weeks and too have found a ureaplasmosis. The doctor has written out revomitsin (it is an antibiotic) 2 times a day, 10 days to drink. In anatatsii it is written, that it is possible for pregnant women here again the doctor has written, that revomitsin it is harmless. Ask the doctor.

Pasenjuk A.M.
11.08.2004, 03:52
To pregnant women really macrofoams it is not recommended, it is desirable to change a preparation for Rovamycinum, erythromycin.