Просмотр полной версии : The probelief 5 months ago has made one nyxis of depot. Now I wish to become pregnant and...

09.08.2004, 22:42
The probelief 5 months ago has made one nyxis of depot. Now I wish to become pregnant and not poluchaetsjaju when the fecundity will be restored

10.08.2004, 03:06
In the instruction firmy-the manufacturer it is spoken, that in 5, 5 9 months. Actually passes or takes place 1, 5 2 years. It is a pity, that you have not warned about it or this. In fact indications for Depo-the probelief is unwillingness more to have children. I hope your organism will consult and and conception will be fast possible or probable.

10.08.2004, 14:38
And it is possible to tell more in detail what is it takoke? And how much strong effect it is possible to expect from a similar injection?