Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the Doctor! At me a hormonal failure (Progesteronum) and in...

08.08.2004, 20:20
Hello, the Doctor! At me a hormonal failure (Progesteronum) and in the middle of a cycle have gone or send monthly again (already 3 j day). In the last cycle did or made nyxes of Progesteronum in II 10 days, Microfollinum in I to a phase a saw of 10 days. In this cycle have appointed or nominated utrozhestan preoralno 2 times a day on 16 d. M. ts. On 25. Read in the instruction, that he also approaches or suits and for disfunktsionalnyh uterine bleedings. A question such: tomorrow 16 d. M. ts. Whether it is possible to use at a bleeding utrozhestan (what dose will advise). Very much it would be desirable to follow your advice or council.

Kamenetskij B.A.
10.08.2004, 11:10
Rita, unfortunately in absentia to make purposes or appointments is impossible, especially if in the given cycle there are deviations or rejections from norm or rate.