Просмотр полной версии : Deficiency of hormones

09.08.2004, 16:05
Hello. At mine 19 years or summer daughters obviously deficiency of female sexual hormones of estrogens. To such conclusion I have come proceeding from that at it or her the breast is not developed completely not, body height of hair on the face and a body amplifies, and the most terrible at it or her strongly grows old a skin. She does not live yet a sexual life, t. To. Considers or counts, that she yet has not reached or achieved a sexual maturity. It or her it is very a pity to me. And in hospital with such problem she does not wish to address, not wishing once again "to be drawn" and including, that to her there cannot help or assist (t. To. The city in which we live, is not famous for good experts in honey. Establishments). I heard much, that exist set of preparations for gormonozamestitelnoj therapies which are issued not only in the form of in the form of tablets, but also in the form of creams, gels and adhesive tapes for transdermalnoj therapies. Perhaps, from their quantity or amount there are preparations which will help or assist my daughter to raise or increase quantity or amount of estrogens and to give rise to development of its or her breast. You could not advise me what preparations to her it is necessary to accept? And in what consequences can result or bring in the further a disadvantage of estrogens of an organism of the daughter? In advance to you it is grateful. Yours faithfully Natalia.

09.08.2004, 21:26
She needs to pass or take place serious inspection at the general or common endocrinologist (not the gynecologist) and to receive its or his consultations. Preparations for a replaceable hormonetherapy are intended for a menopause, they will not affect or influence body height of a breast. And them as any hormonal preparations, it is impossible to appoint or nominate to itself. It is necessary to take the ticket and to go to nearby large city with good experts and opportunities of inspection.