Просмотр полной версии : Hello the Doctor! At me 2 3 weeks of pregnancy. Yesterday has started to cough...

03.08.2004, 22:33
Hello the Doctor! At me 2 3 weeks of pregnancy. Yesterday has started to cough, sneeze, the rhinitis, fractures... It is not dangerous to the child and than possible to be treated?
In advance thanks, Victoria

05.08.2004, 21:28
It is not dangerous, if do not start illness or disease. It is necessary to address also to LORu. Treatment basically national agents: vo-the first, frequent warm drink (tea with a lemon and honey, morsy), vo-the second, a frequent gargle of a throat a solution of broth of a camomile, Furacilinum, a sage, soda with salt. Also it is possible to irrigate a throat Inhalyptum. From tussis - inhalations, well or even simply breathe above a boiled potato. Also at tussis the good effect gives reception of milk with Borzhomi (vile enough piece, but effective). Eat garlic, vegetables, fruit, accept Polyvitaminums. Success.

06.08.2004, 17:32
Thanks for advice or council! I shall try or taste today, and milk with borzhomi in what proportions, how much to accept it is necessary, and how often?

09.08.2004, 15:19
Milk and Borzhomi in peer parts, t. e. One to one. There is enough 1./day for the night. Success.