Просмотр полной версии : In me have found out tuboverialnoe education on the right. The gynecologist has told or said, that...

The anonym
06.08.2004, 13:50
In me have found out tuboverialnoe education on the right. The gynecologist has told or said, that I have 30 %, that it will resolve, but most likely it is necessary to operate. Then I shall lose an ovary and a pipe. And what you will tell or say?

Pasenjuk A.M.
07.08.2004, 23:10
In general - that it is possible to spend a laparoscopy and to save a uterine pipe and an ovary. But for the beginning it is necessary to spend antibacterial treatment and to look or see at result.

08.08.2004, 08:23
And what such a laparoscopy? One year ago I was treated for chlamydias, herpes, Trichomonases. The husband was not treated. Now analyses show, that active cells of Trichomonases and herpes are not present, chlamydias, a cytomegalovirus, a mycoplasma - in a weak degree. Whether there can tuboverialnoe be an education from these infections?

The anonym
08.08.2004, 14:09
And what such a laparoscopy? One year ago I was treated from chlamydias, herpes and Trichomonases. The husband not lichilsja. Now at me have found out active cells of chlamydias, a cytomegalovirus, a mycoplasma - in weak stpeni. Herpes and Trichomonases have not found out. Whether can tuboverialnoe education will appear from = zi these infections?

Pasenjuk A.M.
09.08.2004, 14:02
Tubo-ovarian education without ceremony can be iz-for these infections, therefore I advised to spend for the beginning antibacterial therapy. The laparoscopy is an operative measure spent through three - four small cuts or sections the special instruments, allowing spends organsohranjajushchie operations on appendages of a uterus, less travmatichnoe, not demanding long hospitalization.