Просмотр полной версии : Hello. The doctor! At me such problem: in current of year at me a prooutcome...

The fox
08.08.2004, 03:52
Hello. The doctor! At me such problem: in current of year I have a disturbance of M of a cycle, aderzhka from 4 till 20 days, recently sluchiols the following in the middle of a cycle have appeared allocation of red color, ez clots, olej not ylo. Notwithstanding. That usually first two days of M very much oleznennye. And the last month M were tightened or delayed with habitual 3 - 5 days 15, what is it can be? US of disturbances has not shown... In advance thanks.

Doctor Dryn
09.08.2004, 13:15
Yes not pomasturbirovala hour or so another, and all will pass or take place, I to you guarantee...