Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, as to me to be. Now at me pregnancy of 7 weeks....

07.08.2004, 16:35
Prompt, please, as to me to be. Now at me pregnancy of 7 weeks. On 10 m day or bottom;fundus of a delay I have addressed in regional female consultation as there were sharp pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly, except for that some times during a delay appeared brownish allocation. US has shown pregnancy of small term. The doctor has put threat of failure. Has ordered to keep rest, to accept vit. E on 200 mg a day, utrozhestan on 2 capsules 2 times a day intravaginalno, viburkol on 1 suppository 2 times a day. I nearby 2 h weeks accepted etl treatment, but for this time 2 times arose brown allocation, sometimes appeared nojushchie abdominal pains. I have decided to address in addition to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist whom to me have recommended. The doctor has made US:
In a cavity of the uterus a fetal egg with an embryos. SB +
Implantation at a bottom or fundus. The segmentary spastic stricture of a myometrium is expressed.
The conclusion: pregnancy of 7 weeks, threat of discontinuing.
Not having listened my complaints, not having asked about problems which were in the past, the doctor has written out treatment. First of all, she has told or said, that utrozhestan to me have written out incorrectly, that the expressed hirsutism is necessary to me Dufaston, as at me. Therefore she appoints or nominates the first 7 days to drink Dufaston on 1 tablet once a day in parallel with 2 mja capsules Utrozhestana in day, and Utrozhestan is appointed or nominated perorally as intravaginalno, on its or her opinion, it or him to apply incorrectly. With 8 go day to apply only Dufaston on 1 tab. 2 times pass. Except for that it is appointed or nominated
No-shpa on 1 2. In day in tech. 10 days
Terzhinan on 1. In day that to clean or remove consequences
intravaginalnogo prijomautrozhestana " (?)
Prednisolonum on 1/4 tablets in day constantly before the termination or ending prijoma Dufastona
Vit. E it is necessary to stop after 15 days prijoma
Droppers, only 3 in a day: Magnesia of 25 % 10, 0
Fiz. r-r 200, 0
Vit. About 5 % 2, 0
Dicynonum 2, 0
Vicasolum 2, 0
Advise, whether obosnovanno such treatment. I have to it or him;them many questions:
1. Whether really it is necessary to change Utrozhestan on Dufaston, than it can be motivirovano?
2. Why it is impossible to apply Utrozhestan intravaginalno if in the instruction it and is recommended at threat of failure of pregnancy?
3. It is necessary and whether it is dangerous prijom Terzhinana, in fact all components entering into its or his structure are counter-indicative in 1 trimester of pregnancy?
4. Whether it is necessary and than application of Prednisolonum is based?
5. Whether droppers with Dicynonum and Vicasolum if krovjanistyh vydeleny some days are not present are necessary for me?
I am in a bewilderment and I do not know how to be.
Very much I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply also thankful in advance.

Elena With.
09.08.2004, 04:42
I not the doctor, and mum transferred or carried very complex or difficult pregnancy, on the first terms was similar as at you a picture all time threat of the abortion accompanied pereodicheskim by a bleeding (all over again brownish allocation, then again, and at last proryvnoe a scarlet blood, we with the husband thought that all.... Has rescueed or saved Djufaston, the truth I it or him to accept the beginnings enough early for weeks 5 oh, 3 times a day. At a strong bleeding has accepted at once 4 tablets (in hospital) to stop a bleeding, drank Dicynonum, no-shpu, suppositories with a papaverine, agtovegil... Also I consider or count all this very much has helped or assisted me, djufaston a saw till 20 weeks. Therefore be not afraid and trust the doctor. Dicynonum - stops krovotecheni. Vikosol-not znabju that such. During pregnancy accepted different medicines, laid up to 5 months in posteli-but all this has rescueed or saved my child. If doubt of the appointed or nominated treatment descend or go still where nibud consult, but do not pull. I was observed in the international female center on New Arbate, at Dzhavahii Lii Ionovny (if to be useful)