Просмотр полной версии : We take. Exactly 16 weeks. One week ago has felt shevelenija successively two days...

08.08.2004, 07:32
We take. Exactly 16 weeks. One week ago has felt shevelenija successively two days in the same place as though jerks. A week any more I do not feel such sheveleny, very much I experience. We take. The second. Last US did or made in 13.5 weeks, all was normal. Tell or say, whether it is normal that I feel more similar sheveleny or not? The Doctor in consultation has refused to concern to my fears seriously. THANKS for answers!

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.08.2004, 18:43
Yes, such it is possible or probable - on early term shevelenija appear and vanish, the fetus eshyo is small also you not always feel shevelenija.