Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! We with the husband want the child. I read, that white small in...

07.08.2004, 21:23
The dear doctor! We with the husband want the child. I read, that white small allocation in the middle tsikla-a parameter of an ovulation. And if these or it of allocation begin right after mesjachnnyh? And it occurs or happens on a regular basis. Whether there can come or step an ovulation so early? And more. On what can show small allocation of brownish color for 4 5 days prior to the beginning of monthly which almost ponostju stop before the most monthly? Analyses handed over not so long ago. There was all in poradke.

Oshchepkova S.R.
08.08.2004, 00:35
1. It is necessary to hand over smears with provocation by Pyrogenalum. 2. No. 3. An inflammation of appendages, an endometriosis or dr. Hormonal diseases.